TV Direct sell all those exciting products you see on infomercials on TV !

So! you might say – I can get those products if I ring the number on the screen!

Have you ever tried doing just that and been on the phone for half an hour just to get them to tell you what the price is ? Give it a go but if you’re a bit old and hard of hearing make sure your hearing aids are turned up extra loud so you can decipher what is getting told to you and then beware of the add ons at the end otherwise you could end up like my old Uncle in Tasmania with a $5000 debt for the next two years – oh and also you have to keep paying as they have your credit card number and if you cancel your credit card then you have to cancel all the other direct debits that come out of that card – oh god this is too hard.

What we offer is simple – a store where you can come in and touch and feel all the products you see on TV without postage and without having to pay for a deal where you get 2 or 3 of everything when you only want ONE. We also have good old fashioned customer service and can show you how to use everything. Pretty amazing hey !

Give us a go as we probably have a store near you.

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